We get asked about pet-safe plants a lot in the shop. The answer depends entirely on the personality of your pet - I have a dog and cat at home, and neither of them are the slightest bit interested in any of our plants, they've never bothered with them. I hear that there are cats and dogs that nibble on plants though (Why on earth? Who knows) and there is a lot of info online about the dangers.
Realistically, there are few plants that will actually kill or seriously damage a pet - most will cause a tingly mouth, some digestive upset until the plant has passed through them, or minor skin irritation. Most pets won't enjoy the experience and not go back for more!
True lilies (usually grown outdoors) pose the most dangerous risks to cats. Within a few hours of eating any part of the plant, licking the pollen or even drinking water the flowers are in, cats can lose their appetite, become lethargic and vomit. If they ingest a lot of the plant, it can damage the kidneys, and in severe cases can lead to kidney failure and be fatal.
Here are some common indoor plants that can cause issues for a plant-nibbling pet:
Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily): Contains calcium oxalate crystals that can lead to mouth or skin irritation and tummy trouble.
Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane): Sap can cause mouth irritation
Philodendron: Contain calcium oxalate crystals that can cause tummy distress
Pothos (Devil's Ivy): Can cause mouth irritation and digestive problems for our pets.
Dracaena species: Varieties like the Corn Plant and Dragon Tree can cause symptoms like vomiting, drooling, and loss of appetite if your pet eats a mouthful or two
Caladium: Contains calcium oxalate crystals
Aloe Vera: Great for humans, Aloe Vera can cause digestive issues, lethargy, and tremors in furry creatures (again, they need to eat a fair bit)
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Calcium oxalate crystals
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata): Not so lucky for pets - can cause vomiting, depression and incoordination if consumed. It's not know which compound in a Jade plant causes the problem.
Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): The sap in the stem of a Rubber Plant can cause skin irritation and digestive problems in pets.
The good news is, we don't have to get rid of all our plants - obviously we can put the questionable ones out of reach, and there are also pet-friendly alternatives:
Spider Plant
Areca Palm
Boston Fern
African violet
Parlor palm
Ponytail palm
Prayer plant
Friendship plant
Christmas Cactus
Cast Iron plant
Money tree
Staghorn fern
Pleated Bird's Nest Fern
Areca palm
Polka dot plant
Lipstick plant
Phalaenopsis orchid
Baby tears